Friday 25 July 2008

Divine justice

I have changed my mind as to the appropriate finding in this case. I said there should be no damages. But now I recall the story about the rich man who was going to heaven and was stopped at the pearly gates by St Peter. St Peter asks God if he should let him in. God says "Ask him what good he has done in his life, that he deserves to be allowed into heaven." St Peter asks the rich man and he says "I gave two pounds to a Big Issue seller once, and three pounds to Cancer Research." Saint Peter tells this to God, who replies "Give him his fiver back and tell him to go to Hell."

I think the same line should be taken in this case. The plaintiffs were hoping to enter the paradise of a risk-free, low-cost tax shelter scheme. Fees were paid, commissions too, and now they want to be allowed to enjoy the benefits denied them. Perhaps his Lordship should order a refund of any commissions and fees, and tell them to go to hell!

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